Tweed Learning Federation

The Tweed Learning Federation is a hard federation of schools with one governing body. The unique feature of Tweed Learning is its structure that enables schools to work collaboratively without surrendering their autonomy.  Joining our federation does not require a change of structure - nor is it an irreversible decision.

The federation is led by the Governing Body which is comprised of:  

  • Previous Governors from each school,
  • the Executive Headteacher of both schools; and
  • Governors invited to join due to their specific skill sets. 

We believe strongly in local governance and have a scheme of delegation to the Local Governing Boards, ensuring that school decisions are taken at a local level.

The purpose of our federation is to use our influential partnership to work together to achieve better outcomes for children in our schools through shared expertise, supported autonomy and the provision of specialised services.  

Our family of schools provides an opportunity for schools who wish to maintain their autonomy and identity as individual establishments in the context of a cohesive group of like-minded schools. We aim to enable schools to secure their future and independence. Greater autonomy for schools should not, in our view, mean greater isolation.

As the educational landscape is changing at an unprecedented pace, leading in particular to a marked reduction in the role and capacity of local authorities, the federation aims to provide a supportive and collaborative context in which our schools can continue to thrive into the future. We support each other in meeting the challenges of rising expectations through mutually supportive intervention and training.

If you wish to learn more, please contact Gary Hilton via email: